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Meet the Tutors

The AVID tutors are a great help in our community. From guiding tutorials in your freshman year to helping the teachers with binder checks, they become a large part of your life in AVID. 


You'll be seeing them every single year, so in order to get to know them better, please read below and meet your tutors!

Mrs. Bullock




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Hello! My name is Angel Hernandez. I graduated from Steele Canyon in 2023 and am currently a Freshman of San Diego State University. I’m majoring in Buisness Administration in hopes of starting my own business one day. Thanks to AVID I got into my dream school and they’re still supporting me till this day. I became a tutor because I love to help people and I want to give back to AVID for helping me.

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Hello! My name is Diana E. Arias. After high school I went to community college and I am now in my third year at San Diego State University! I am majoring in Graphic Design with the plan of working with packaging design, poster design, and fashion. I enjoy reading, drawing, doing nail art, and all things fitness. I graduated from Steele Canyon in 2021 and was in AVID for all four years. Lastly, I’m very proud to be an tutor and be able to give back to my community because of how helpful AVID was for me.


Hello everyone! My name is Edgar Romero. I graduated from Steele Canyon in 2021. I’m majoring in Mechanical Engineering. So if a student needs help with any math related problem, feel free to ask me. I was in AVID all four years of highschool, it helped me a lot during my highschool career and I am sure it will help many other students. Thanks to AVID, I learned a lot and made some great memories and friends along the way. I became a tutor because I wanted to see what it was like to be on the other side of the tutoring process and because I like helping people understand complex topics. When I was in AVID the tutors helped me a lot and I hope to do the same for students. 

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Hello everyone my name is Karime Corcoles. I graduated from Steele Canyon in 2021. I am currently majoring in Psychology at San Diego State University. Some of my hobbies include hiking, photography, singing, and hanging out with friends and family. I would like to complete my master's degree in Developmental Psychology because I love working with kids and believe they are the future of the world. I love working with the Steele Canyon students and I am very excited for what they will accomplish. 


Hello my name is Miguel Sanchez. I was a student at Steele Canyon and graduated in 2019. During my four years of high school I was a part of AVID. After high school I enlisted into the Army Reserves as a combat medic. I have my Associates in Political Science From Grossmont College, and a certificate in Intelligence Analysis from American Military University. Currently I am an International Security and Conflict Resolution major at SDSU. My future goals include joining the Peace Corps and eventually working as a Foreign Service Officer or potentially going into the Intelligence field. AVID instilled in me the ambition I needed to push myself outside of my comfort zone. Accountability and discipline are things that translated from my time in AVID to the opportunities I have had and will have. 

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Hello my name is Antonio Toledo. I graduated class of 2021 and am currently attending San DIego State Unviersity. As of now I am a third year student majoring in Computer Science. I spent all four years of high school as an AVID student at Steele Canyon and am thankful for all of the program’s support that has gotten me where I am today. I am extremely excited to be an AVID tutor and pass down the knowledge I have to these future university students!

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